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Artículos arbitrados publicados en publicaciones arbitradas
Segantini, M. (2024). Human capital and innovation in Uruguayan manufacturing firms. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, 13(2), 157-181.
Segantini, M., & Dickes, L. A. (2021). An examination of rural and female-led firms: A resource approach. Journal of Small Business Strategy, 31(4), 20-39.
Documentos de Investigación
Segantini, M., & Dickes, L. A. (2020). Recurrent funding in entrepreneurship: An analysis of repeated events (Documento de Investigación nro. 123). Montevideo: Universidad ORT Uruguay.
Segantini, M., & Dickes, L. A. (2020). Creative-entrepreneurs and new venture performance: A study of the creative class at the firm-level (Documento de Investigación nro. 124). Montevideo: Universidad ORT Uruguay.